الثلاثاء، 28 يناير 2014

Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy Exercises - 6 Reasons To Do Them

Frozen Shoulder Physiotherapy Exercises - 6 Reasons To Do Them

You have been given a great program of frozen shoulder physiotherapy exercises. You need to do them every day. But some days, or maybe every day, you will not feel like doing them. You can tell yourself that exercise is boring and tedious and that your frozen shoulder will eventually recover on its own anyway. If you are having trouble motivating yourself to do the exercises you will need some reasons to do them. So here they are:
You Are Sick And Tired Of Being In Pain
Frozen shoulder hurts. How long have you been in pain? And can you remember what it feels like not to be in pain? If you're having difficulty remembering that's due to the brilliance of your mind. The mind is a strange creature whose job it is to protect us. And to that end, to make us feel better about our current situation, it won't let us remember exactly what it was like to be pain-free. But remind yourself what it was like to have no pain, and use that to motivate yourself to do the exercises.
To Avoid Surgery
Surgery should only be considered as a last resort. The alternatives are keyhole surgery to release the shoulder capsule or manipulation under general anesthetic. In the latter case the surgeon will manipulate your arm through a whole series of movements in order to break up the scar tissue. This movement would be impossible while you were awake because of the excruciating pain it would cause. After this you will need to have physiotherapy to help the shoulder recover. What I am trying to say is that even if you have surgery you will need physiotherapy anyway. so do the exercises now - and do your best to avoid that surgery.
To Improve Your General Health
Pain or injury in one part of the body affects the overall health of the body. Since you've had frozen shoulder your general health has suffered. Your posture will have changed to compensate for the shoulder pain. You will carry yourself differently. And you will have been using and straining other muscles in your body when trying to carry out everyday tasks. If you go to the gym you will have stopped doing those exercises which affect your shoulder. You will possibly have stopped doing any exercise at all. So do those frozen shoulder physiotherapy exercises to get your general health back to what it should be.
To Improve Your Mental Health
The body and mind are very closely linked. Pain and injury make you feel emotionally drained and can ultimately lead to depression. When so many of the things you took for granted become so difficult to do your mental health and self-esteem suffer. If you can't see the change in yourself ask those around you - and let them know it's OK to give you an honest answer.
To Give You Power Over Your Life
There is nothing quite like that feeling of helplessness. Your body isn't working properly. And if the frozen shoulder has appeared without any obvious cause you feel even more let down by your body. If you are having a course of physiotherapy this will help greatly with your recovery, but at the same time it can feel that other people have power over your body. Don't fight your body. Don't be annoyed with it. You and it are a team. You are on the same side. Adopt a positive approach - and doing the exercises will be that much easier. If your physiotherapist has given you exercises to do at home, for goodness sake do them. They have been given to you for a reason.
For The Other People Around You
I am sure that the people you live with, your family and your friends love you. And I am sure that they are very sympathetic towards your pain. They are kind when you ask them to help you to do something, and they tolerate your moaning and groaning. They listen patiently as you tell them how and where it hurts. But the truth is your incapacity and how you feel about yourself also affects them. So if you can't motivate yourself to do the exercises for yourself you can always try doing them for other people. Involve others and enlist their support.
If your physiotherapist has given you exercises to do at home make sure you do them. If he/she hasn't given you any ask for some. Or get hold of a program you can do at home. Concentrate on the reasons for doing them and adopt a positive attitude. This will help to motivate you. For a great program of exercises look at cureafrozenshoulder.com [http://www.cureafrozenshoulder.com] or for three basic exercises to start you off take a look at these frozen shoulder physiotherapy exercises.

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